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@KTzone » 歌詞庫 » 陳冠希 Chan, Edison » Transition » 忘了她

歌 手: 陳冠希 (Chan, Edison)

歌 曲: 忘了她 (專 輯:Transition)

上傳會員: 啤你

日 期: 2002 - 8

歌 詞
曲: | 詞: | 編:  
Intro Jin : Have you ever been so attached to someone to
the point of addiction you wind up breaking in seizures
so bad it stars to eat and beat you like students get
from techers who treat you like creatures and make your life
like a fetus without features
要怎麼說 怎麼做 才算對她好 要怎麼搓 怎麼拖
才算不太早 時間或信用 都不夠她開銷 我只能 當她的玩偶跟人家比較
或許 當她有時間 會自然的call我 因為她無聊 閒時間太多
也許妳過那時間 就會開始欣賞我 還是面對現實 別作夢
我要忘了她 我不能太依賴 我要忘了她 我要生活自在
我要為了她 為什麼看不開 我不要忘了她 我必須對她說
Bye bye EC I try to fake that I take every second in pace to
get the tears of my face so you won't see the trace of every pore
that I scratched so that I could erase only to find in the mirror
that I'm such a disgrace JIN I can't control my emotions the potions
I drink are potent causing internal erosion but now too late for no caution
that I'd throw to you people so you could take some precaution sometimes
abortion is wiser than what you thought'em to be What happened to all the
people who said they sympathized with my situation ? I'm lying on my
hospital bed and still I'm waitin'..........No letters or postcards to be
read could they be waitin' for christmas just to see if I'm dead ?! EC In
the media and magazines and mewspapers are writing about rumors spreading
like fire turning the lies into truth burning up my tires I'm tired of
taking all thier reactions even the people I love and trust they don't  

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